harry and ginny slytherin fanfiction

Eros Blade (Keyed to Ginevra "Ginny" Weasley. Ginny smirked maliciously in satisfaction as she ducked into the farthest corner of the room. He never becomes friends with Malfoy, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle; Daphne and Tracey have the same relationship with my Harry that Canon Harry has with Parvati and Lavander, he tolerates Nott and he only befriends Blaise and Milicent later on. Press J to jump to the feed. After a surprise creature inheritance Harry Potter learns of the truth of the supposed light side. After silently counting to ten, he opened his eyes (carefully looking up into her sparkling brown eyes) and said, "Gaargh." Harry stares back at his father and his smile spreads wider. Ginny heard a brief wail before a splash signaled Myrtle reentering the pipes. They went through years of torment, only to learn about the Wizarding World and about the fame of their parents and Harry, the boy who lived. Harry asked suspiciously as he took his seat. A soaked and wearily Harry Potter walked towards the house he shared with his wife, Ginevra, 'Ginny' Potter. harry and ginny slytherin fanfiction. Chapter 2: Contracts. Why aren't you in here with me, anyway?" Ginny Weasley wasn't liked by her family so in return she didn't like them. Harry would have thought he would have been more protective of her than ever, but then again, he didn't have siblings, so he didn't know how they acted. Unfortunately, once Ginny had been sorted into Slytherin, Ron didn't seem too concerned about Ginny. Harry remains the only known person to have survived the Killing Curse, which was responsible for giving him his famous scar. It's the first series in a long time where I am actually forced to put it down for a night just to get a break. Both have Snape suddenly acting more like a father figure, manipulative Dumbledore, the Dursleys' abuse treated seriously, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor prejudice, and Harry solving the Sirius Black dilemma early. They're even more shocked when he's Sorted into Slytherin. My heart fluttered at his words. Hatred Potion Keyed to anyone in Slytherin House, a Dark Core; Trust Potion Keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Gryffindor House, Rubeus Hagrid, Ronald "Ron" Weasley, Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley, Ginevra "Ginny Weasley, Intelligence Dampening Potions (Once a Year since July 1991) Vault discrepancies: Any remaining errors are my own. Harry Potter didn't have a nice life with the Dursleys. After all, the truth was that she wanted to orgasm. I was worried about you." "Sit down Harry," James ordered his son. Despite his parents being Gryffindor's, Harry Potter got put into Slytherin. Set after the COS. See how Harry Potter's story will change, with Ginny being Sorted into Slytherin. Harry was surprise and excited to see his girlfriend Ginny. Sure, he has his gang of buddies, and maybe they've bullied a few kids, but not enough to He didn't even know her name but, according to the trio that had just walked past and taken seats at the Griffindor House table, her name was Ginny Weasley and she was a Slytherin. Ginny giggled at Harry's reaction. 8 yr. ago My Slytherin Harry: If things were different, and Harry was a Slytherin, and Ginny's parents had tried their best to keep her away from him, what would happen when she's finally had enough? 26.5K 649 53. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. Sometimes though, the amount of torture she puts Harry and Ginny through is too much to handle, especially in her Slytherin Harry series. This was her year to go to Hogwarts and she couldn't wait, to be out of her hell-house. "What? That is what Harry wanted to hear from his parents. How will this change the Slytherin's Princess [Draco Malfoy Love Story] In my fanfic that's kind what happens. His parents still loved him, they didn't care what house he was in, but it was at school that was a problem. Special thanks to ziparumpazoo and K. for their beta work. "I'm glad you're all right, Ginny. Slytherin is Potter's way of life. He didn't form the Golden Trio with Ron and Hermione, but had all his friends in Slytherin. Harry defeated him when he was little. After believing that Harry Potter died in a house fire at the age of ten, the Wizarding world is shocked when he emerges, out of the blue, just in time to attend his seventh year at Hogwarts. Or something to that effect, anyway. I'm " End of Flashback. Voldemort didn't make Horcruxes! When his eyes met Ginny's, his glare softened into a gaze. "I'm feeling fine, thank you. A place for Harry Potter Fanfiction. Harry sighed wearily. I looked around in confusion at the dank and dreary chamber I was in. The one and probably the only reason for the large amount of fanfiction for harry potter is the plot on which it is based. The amount of creativity or imagination J.K. Rowling has poured in is so immense that one wants to almost envision themselves as the character! With a much put-upon sigh, Harry pushed open the door, only to be met with the sight of two men wearing skull masks holding his wife at wand point. After that, Harry and Ginny, along with the rest of the Weasleys and Greengrasses spent the rest of the day together, everyone getting to know one other better; though Percy remained indifferent to them, and Ron continued to be distrustful of them, for their connection to Slytherin House. With her parents gone, Iris and her brother, Harry got stuck growing up with the Dursleys, their harsh and unloving aunt, and uncle. A Ginny who is not going to be a victim, and a Harry who realises those closest to him may not have his best interests at heart. I had never seen so much emotion on his face before. This is a private conversation," he told Harry's friend, who quietly turned on his heel and closed the door behind him. He never becomes friends with Malfoy, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle; Daphne and Tracey have the same relationship with my Harry that Canon Harry has with Parvati and Lavander, he tolerates Nott and he only befriends Blaise and Milicent later on. He is very isolated in Slytherin at first and it only changes slowly. Why? Resorted by 1Jess2Rose. The night before Bill and Fluer's wedding, Ginny had secretly slipped a note into Harry's jeans pocket, I will wait for you, it had said. He became a bit meaner because of that and was sorted into Slytherin. He doesn't like the idea of being a let-down to his father when his father is a great man in his life and he was in Slytherin house. "Harry," Ginny called out in desperation. The Changeling First Year "Slytherin!" In this series Harry is in Slytherin and Ginny is in Gryffindor they are also on the same year. In my fanfic that's kind what happens. Harry and Ginny are finally beginning to love life and relax. He had placed it in his moleskin pouch along with his other treasured keepsakes but had not thought about it much lately. However, there must have been some effects of the Veritaserum still lingering in her veins, and her body took control and consented. He smiled softly, and his hand came up to brush my hair out of my face. No love, no care. Harry Potter is in Slytherin and Ginny Weasley is in Gryffindor. The Strange Dissapearance of Sally-Anne Perks - simply beautiful elegance in scope of storytelling. Hogwarts Houses Divided by Inverarity is probably the best next-generation fic around. Seventh Horcrux by EmeraldAshes - for humor/crackMore items Sure enough, he could just make out the scar on the boy's forehead. Both fics pick up at the end of second year with Harry forced to embrace his Slytherin side, but for different reasons. "What's going on?" They hadn't wanted a girl in the family so they shunned her. Slytherin Ginny Weasley; Summary. Harry was thinking of getting into Hermione panties, and maybe making her is slave for a few days, so Harry put the book somewhere in his room and went down to the kitchen, as he entered he found Ms Weasley making dinner. No way she wanted to do anything with him. Harry decided to talk to the twins later to find out how their younger brother knew Peter, but also seeing Dean and Seamus coming up the stairs Harry put the map down on the desk and left the room lest he gets trapped in the Heir room until the pair left or fell asleep, which based on the time it was Harry thought was the more likely outcome. "You can leave. She could already hear the stirrings of early-rising students that were headed to breakfast. Ginny and Dean are in a lonely corridor fighting again. He is very isolated in Slytherin at first and it only changes slowly. Mr Juniper commented that young Harry was dressed in a strange Muggle fashion and Gellert stopped reading and stared at the picture once again. patrick fischer sinzheim / gfk rumpf bismarck 1 200 / harry and ginny slytherin fanfiction. 5 Reasons Why Harry Potter Wasnt in SlytherinHarry takes unnecessary risks. Gryffindors are know n for constantly wanting to prove themselves in front of their peers. He acts chivalrous. Throughout the series, Harry shows natural kindness and acceptance of the people surrounding him. He shows constant bravery. Harry chooses to be kind. Slytherin had a bad reputation. Rated for later chapters. Hail Odysseus by Brennus. This lodged in my brain and grew from a Rewriting History prompt: Harry Potter, Ginny, she's sorted into Slytherin. Harry learns Harry looked towards the table where the girl called Ginny sat. Fiction M May contain adult themes, language, and suggestions. Not appropriate for children and teens under the age of 16.Fiction T May contain violence, minor suggestive adult themes, and minor coarse language. Not appropriate for children under the age of 13.Fiction K+ May contain mild coarse language but not adult themes. Not a single member of her family had been there to make sure she was okay and Harry had been taken home. They gave her food, clothing, shelter, the life necessities but nothing more than that. Harry is determined to be in Slytherin by hook by crook. Ginny turned and face the Slytherin table, as Malfoy, Harry's best friend, pushed him forward. Dumbledore was so old, she thought. Ginny is dating Dean and Harry is dating Cho there both in their 5th year. Completed harryxginny lovebond slytherin +8 more # 9 Dramione | 7th year Marriage Law by < 6.2K 80 15 Completed mollyweasley georgeweasley hermioneweasley +17 more # 14 A Dare (Hinny Fanfiction) by Major Molly/Ron/Dumbledore bashing, some Hermione bashing. Harry closed his eyes and swallowed on a dry throat. Moving to sit on the floor, she brought the box to her lap and stared at it. The Fourth Year Slytherin walked slowly to the front of the Great Hall, returning the glares of Ron Weasley and the other Gryffindors. Ginny stood up out of her chair nervously. It takes her seven years to figure out why. "We want you to have a second sorting," Lily told her son. He lowered his head, and continued walking. The letter to Durmstrang had been sent, and Ginny was telling Hermione about wizarding traditions because as a guy, Harry had absolutely no desire to be the one to tell Hermione that polygamy was in some situations not only allowed, but even expected in the wizarding world. "Harry dear, can you pass me that" said Ms Weasley as she was staring a big pot of noodles and some other things. Let's start at a month after a school starts.

harry and ginny slytherin fanfiction