if a spring is compressed twice as much

1. A similar statement can be made for position E. At position E, the spring is compressed the most and the elastic potential energy at this location is also a maximum. A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500 g ball? Physics, 22.06.2019 02:30. Answers. So Pe two equals one half k times two x one squared. A spring stores potential energy U0 when it is compressed a distance x0 from its uncompressed length. Hooke's law. Answers: 3 Show answers Another question on Physics. A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500. g ball? Next you compress the spring by 2 x. Since the spring stretches as much as compresses, the elastic potential energy at position A (the stretched position) is the same as at position E (the compressed position). So this two x one is in brackets being squared and so we have to square each factor. If a spring is stretched, then a force with magnitude proportional to the increase in length from the equilibrium length is pulling each end towards the other. If the spring has a spring constant of 230 N/m and is compressed from its equilibrium Physics A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. How much higher would the platform have to be in order for her velocity to be twice as great? much work is done on the object? a. neither compressed nor stretched, it applied no force to the attached object. If the spring in #1 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? Which type of bond is found between the atoms of a molecule? 3. If you wanted to store 10.0 J of potential energy in this spring, what would be its total length? Look at Figure 7.10 (c). A 0.50 kg block is pushed down on a spring of k = 100 N/m such that the spring is compressed 0.30m. 1. A ball bearing of mass m=50.0g, is sitting on a vertical spring whose force constant is 120.0N/m. You are loading a toy dart gun, which has two settings, the more powerful with the spring compressed twice as far as the lower setting. 2. final position of the block will be twice as far at . Energy Conservation 2 San Diego Unified School District 2003 3 11. h. h/2 Compared to the lighter car, the momentum of the heavier car is 3. Select one: a. the same amount b. twice as much c. four times as much d. eight times as much Expert Answer 100% (2 ratings) Epot = 1/2*k*s^2 E1 = 1/2*k*0.02^2 wh (a) In terms of U0, how much energy does the spring store when it is compressed (i) twice as much and (ii) half as much? The same is observed for a spring being compressed by a distance x. This last formula reads: The potential energy of a spring, or the energy stored in a spring, equals one half times the spring constant times the square of the extension. 3. . A) 10 cms B) 2.5 cms C) 5 cms D) 7.5 cms. C) both boxes will reach the same maximum height on the incline. So we'll substitute two x one in place of x two and that we do here. Answer (1 of 4): In either case, the potential energy increases. The law essentially describes a linear relationship between the extension of a spring and the restoring force it gives rise to in the spring; in other words, it takes twice as much force to stretch or compress a spring twice as much. This is how to calculate how much energy is stored in a spring. Two cars, one twice as heavy as the other, move down a hill at the same speed. At what compressed length is the restoring physics In an arcade game, a 0.12 kg disk is shot across a frictionless horizontal surface by being compressed against a spring and then released. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500 g ball? According to this equation, if the spring is compressed twice as far (x is doubled), then the velocity of the ball when it leaves the spring (v) is also twice as large. . A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. . Assuming that the force exerted by the expanding gas to be a constant 5500 N, what speed The spring constant is k=F/(2x), where x is the distance each end moves. A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500. g ball? A) x = v k m. B) x = v m k. C) x = v m + M k. D) x = ( m + M) v m k. E) x = m v ( m + M) k. homework-and-exercises newtonian-mechanics harmonic . A spring-loaded toy dart gun shoots a dart straight up. So, let's just think about what the student is saying or what's being proposed here. problem. 4h. The student reasons that since the spring wil be compressed twice as much as before; the block will have more energy when it leaves the spring, so it will slide farther along the track before stopping at x=6D. D. A student is asked to predict whether the . 7.70 were told that a spring stores of potential energy of you not when it's compressed by ex lot. A student is asked to predict whether the final position of the block will be twice as far at x = 6D. b. If the spring in #3 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? 5. K = 5.2 N/m x = 3.57-2.45 =1.12 m EPE = k x2 = (5.2)(1.12)2= 3.26 J # 4 Hope this helps. x F-x s x0 = 0 When a spring is compressed, the spring pushes the object back toward the relaxed position. 2. Answer. 3. 2. (A) 1 4 times as large (B) 1 2 times as large 1. The spring is now compressed twice as much, to . Total solved problems on the site: 13827416. In your example object 2, even though it has the same momentum as object 1, has twice the kinetic energy so it will compress the spring more. If the spring in #3 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? Share. (A) 0.58 J (B) 1.1 J (C) 47 J (D) 73 J 27. If we move the spring from an initial displacement X i to a final displacement X f, the work done by the spring force is given as, W s = X i X f K d x = K ( X i) 2 2 K ( X f) 2 2. as . Video Transcript. Answers: 3 Show answers Another question on Physics. Twice as much Four times as much Question Image. When a spring is in a relaxed state, i.e. Note that the spring is compressed twice as much as in the original problem. x +x x = 0 0 Fs When a spring is stretched, the spring pulled the object back toward the relaxed position. from there plug in all the variables sorry all known variables and solve for v. make sure to plug in 0.5 for mass so that it is in kilograms. compressed spring has the same kind of stored energy. A box of weight w=2.0N accelerates down a rough plane that is inclined at an angle =30 above the horizontal, as shown (Figure 6). The force FS is a restorative force and its direction is opposite (hence the minus sign) to the direction of the spring's displacement x. If the spring in (a) were compressed twice as much, determine how many times greater the velocity of the ball . The dart reaches a max height h. The same dart is shot up again from the same gun, but this time the spring is compressed twice as much before firing. 20 J B. If it moves twice as fast, its momentum a much. Figure 7.10 A spring being compressed, . Physics, 22.06.2019 02:30. A student is asked to predict whether the final position of the block will be twice as far at x 6D . The correct answer is E, but I need someone to explain it. 150 N 300 N 450 N 600 N 2. You compress a spring by x, and then release it. If a spring is compressed, then a force with magnitude proportional to the decrease in length from the equilibrium length is pushing each end away from the other. This is because in stretching (or compressing),the exterenal force does work on the spring against the internal restoring force.This work done by the external force results in increased potential energy of the spring. These springs have potential . This is called as the spring potential energy. a. A spring-loaded gun shoots a plastic ball with a speed of 4 m/s. 2h. D) the lighter box will go twice as high up the incline as the heavier box. When distance and force are in opposite directions Fspring Fspring = kx Hooke's Law Wspring 1/2k (x)^2 Potential Energy Ug = mgh Kinetic Energy K = 1/2mv^2 Potential Energy in a spring Uspring = 1/2k (x)^2 Relationship between friction and total mechanical energy In a frictionless system, the TME is the same Conservative vs. Dissipative Forces A ideal spring has an equilibrium length. Correct answer to the question A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500. g ball? If the spring in #3 were compressed twice as much, h. Answers. 3. The direction of the force is always opposite the direction of the stretch or compression. Other tasks in the category: Mathematics More task. If it takes 5.0 J of work to compress the dart gun to the lower setting, how much work does it take for the higher setting? The student reasons that since the spring will be compressed twice as much as before, the block will have more energy when it leaves the spring, so it will slide farther along the track before stopping at position x equals 6D. (A) 1/4 times as large (B) 1/2 times as large The student reasons that since the spring will be compressed twice as much as before, the block will have more energy when it leaves the spring, so it will slide farther along the track . This force is exerted by the spring on whatever is pulling its free end. If it requires 6.0 J of work to stretch a particular spring by 2.0 cm from its equilibrium length, how much more work. Whe the tip of the pen is in its retracted position, the spring is compressed 4.40 mm from its unstrained length. So the amount of compression in the more powerful setting is twice the compression in the less powerful setting. Which type of bond is found between the atoms of a molecule? A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500. g ball? Explanation: Whenever a force is applied on a spring, tied at one end, either to stretch it or to compress it, a reaction force comes into play which tries to oppose the change. Mathematics, 04.02.2021 23:20. (b) In terms of x0, how much must the spring be compressed from its uncompressed length to store (i) twice as much energy . You have a cart track, a cart, several masses, and a position-sensing pulley. is 2. A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500 g ball? From the compressed position, how high will the ball bearing rise? 5. In other words, you should assume that doubling the fore applied to the springs will cause it to be compressed twice as much. How far up does the dart go this time? Kinetic energy is an energy of motion Gravitational potential energy is an energy of position The sum K + Ugis not changed when an object is in freefall. PE1 + KE1 = PE2 + KE2. If the spring in #3 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? (16.5m/s) 4. Calculate the maximum speed it can give to a 500 g ball. Textbook solution for University Physics with Modern Physics (14th Edition) 14th Edition Hugh D. Young Chapter 7 Problem 7.17E. 4. The spring is now compressed twice as much, to x = 2D. How high does the ball bearing rise above the equilibrium position at y=0m? Design an experiment to examine how the force exerted on the cart does work as it moves through a distance. D. x. 10 J. c. 2.5 J. d. 40 J A spring with a force constant of 5.2 N/m has a relaxed length of 2.45 m. When a mass is attached to the end of the spring and allowed to come to rest, the vertical length of the spring is 3.57 m. Calculate the elastic potential energy stored in the spring. So this is all a mathematical way of saying you compress it twice as much, you're going to have four times the potential energy when your spring is compressed, which means you're going to have four times the kinetic energy at x equals zero, which means it is going to take, you're going to have four times the stopping distance, so instead of . What is the maximum compression of the spring? The initial position of the spring is at y=0m. That is, when the spring is stretched (or compressed) twice as much, it exerts twice as much force. The normal force acting on the box has a magnitude n=1.7N, the coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the plane is k=0.30, and the displacement d of the box is 1.8 m down the inclined plane. Answer (1 of 13): It doubles. If the spring in #3 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? Two springs A and B are identical but A is harder than B (k A > k B ). 1. If a spring is compressed 2.0 cm from its equilibrium position and then compressed an additional 4.0 cm, how much more work is done in the second compression than in the first? A bullet with a mass of 10 g is fired from a rifle with a barrel that is 85 cm long. If the spring in (a) were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be?. If the spring in #1 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? At . Hooke's Law: The spring is compressed downward a distance x=0.200m. An arrow with mass m and velocity v is shot into the block The arrow sticks in the block. For the spring, F ( x) d x = k x 2 2 = m v i 2 2. The student reasons that since the spring will be compressed twice as much as before, the block will have more energy when it ii. If it takes 5.0 J of work to compress the dart gun to the lower setting, how much work does it take for the higher setting? If the spring in #3 were compressed twice as much, how many times greater would the velocity of the ball be? A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. . Easiest way to imagine this is applying an equal force F to each end while the centre remains unmoved. Correct answer to the question A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. What is the maximum speed it can give to a 500. g ball? (a) 2 m/s (b) 4 m/s (c) 8 m/s (d) 16 m/s 7. A. That is, when the spring is stretched (or compressed) twice as much, it exerts twice as much force. . The direction of the force is always opposite the direction of the stretch or compression. A bullet with a mass of 10. g is fired from a rifle with a barrel that is 85 cm long. A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. a. When you hang a 3.15-kg weight from it, you measure its length to be 13.40 cm. If spring B is compressed twice as much as spring A, how will the speed of ball B compare with the speed of ball A when they leave the springs? You are loading a toy dart gun, which has two settings, the more powerful with the spring compressed twice as far as the lower setting. For example, if a force of 1 Kg compresses the springs in series by 10cm, what will be the total distance the springs in parallel are compressed? much work is done on the object? Solve for the displacement x. This is known as Hooke's law and stated mathematically Reaction Force F = kX, If you compressed the spring to a distance of 0.200 m , how far up the slope will an identical ice cube travel before reversing directions? The potential energy U of the block-spring system. When I place the weight of the Jeep on the springs, it only compresses about 1 inch. Which sets the top of my Jeep at about 8'6" which I think is a little too tall, and if I end up. But as soon as the stress is relieved, instantly the spring gains its normal shape. 20 J. b. A bullet with a mass of 10. g is fired from a rifle with a barrel that is 85 cm long. stored in the spring have increased when the spring was stretched twice as much? If spring B is compressed twice as much as spring A, how will the speed of ball B compare with the speed of ball A when they leave the springs? The same spring-loaded . B) just as it moves free of the spring, the heavier box will have twice as much kinetic energy as the lighter box. The Attempt at a Solution a)PEs = (0.5) (120.0 N/m) (0.200m)2 = 2.4J h = PE/mg h = 2.4J/ (0.05kg (9.8)) h = 4.89m h = 4.89m - 0.200m (the distance of spring compression) h = 4.69 m b) KE = 2.4J - mgh KE = 2.4 J - (0.050kg) (9.8) (0.200m) KE = 2.3J c) v = root [2 (2.3)/ (0.050kg)] v = 9.60 m/s Answers and Replies May 9, 2015 #2 Simon Bridge A spring whose spring constant is 850 N/m is compressed 0.40 m. . x; 6; D. The student reasons that since the spring will be ; compressed twice as much as before, the block will have more energy when it leaves the spring, so it will slide ; 5. We are given the spring constant and the force, allowing us to solve for the displacement. We have step-by-step solutions for your textbooks written by Bartleby experts! Title: 04 Energy Finished Author: Wes Baker Created Date: 1/31/2017 8:53:28 AM (A) 0.58 J (C) 47 J (B) 1.1 J (D) 73 J 27.

if a spring is compressed twice as much